воскресенье, 06 ноября 2011
How people watching BonesHow people watching Bones
Normal people:

(c)кратко о серииLoved this premiere.
The case was okay, I had a feeling about the murder LOL
Wendell scared of Bones LMAO
Angela/Hodgins/Michael scenes were SO cute!
Sweets is more actively involved, good!
Booth & Brennan: So many awesome scenes!
It’s good to see that even the pregnancy couldn’t change drastically their dynamic LOL
They exchanged ILYs <3
They’re getting a place together *yay*
Cute pregnancy moments! <3очаровательный фанарт
(с)Какие же хорошенькие!!!

(с)А диалог-то какой)))

более подробный текстBooth: Okay, oh, here it is! Right.
Brennan: Okay…
Booth: Oh, sorry. You want me to, uh… help you with that?
Brennan: No, I can make toast. It’s just, your kitchen is very small.
Booth: My kitchen is the same size that it’s always been. Look at it.
Brennan: The implication being that I’ve grown bigger? I’m aware of that.
Booth: Oh, no, it’s not that you’ve grown bigger. It’s that you’ve… you know, you-you’ve grown out. You’ve gotten larger, you know? Like you just expanded, then…You look great, by the way.
Brennan: What you see is the manifestation of your own virility, which fills you with a sense of pride and power. It’s natural to confuse that with attraction.
Booth: You look great.
Brennan: Oh… (sighs)
Booth: So, uh… y-your magazine is in my oatmeal.
Brennan: Oh, you know, we don’t have to go through this. My place is much roomier.
Booth: We both agreed to split time.
Brennan: Yes, and we are.
Booth: Neither of us really likes it.
Brennan: I’m fine.
Booth: Ohh…Come on, Bones, you know what? It’s been five months. We spend almost all of our time together. What we need is one bed. One place. Our place.
Brennnan: I thought you said you’d never move in with someone again unless you’re married.
Booth: Are you asking me to marry you?
Brennan: What? Me? No, no! You’re the one who believes in marriage. I’m not going to bring it up.
Booth: Well, you just did.
Brennan: Are you saying that you aren’t going to ask me to marry you?
Booth: No, you are going to ask me to marry you.
Brennan: That’s ridiculous. Booth: It’s not ridiculous. It’s gonna happen. I don’t know when, but when it does, the three of us should have a nice place, where there’s, like…Smart move

Потому что Бут делал вот это: “It’s a little funny!”
(с)я подобных признаний давно ждала!
сравнительный пример


(с)they in bed)

(с)Вот так вот!
промка к следующему эпизоду
любимые причуды,
парейдолии и галлюциноз,
фанатское пищание
ты ж их не смотришь